Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Girl named Lil ~ Caution : Risque

Some years back while taking a class in the art of Calligraphy I encountered the following Risque Limerick.
The Assignment was to copy a limerick using our best calligraphy techniques as a sample of our abilities.
My classmate Claudia, the first girl I ever met who smoked pot openly, submitted this memorable example.

Claudia and I eventually moved to new York City at the same time and remained friends for a number of years.
She became a Painter and Sculptor, selling a Sculpture to Diana Ross among others.
When assignments were read allowed and displayed in class Claudia's Limerick caused quite a stir.

I do not use my calligraphy skills much but I did remember this limerick.
Claudia got an "A" that semester

There once was a girl named Lil
Who used a Dynamite Stick for a Thrill
They found parts of her Vagina
In North Carolina
And Bits of her Tits in Brazil

Author Unknown

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