Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Orange Pudding from the Time of King Henry VIII

To make the Orange Pudding

Take the rind of a small one pared very thin, and boiled in several waters, and beaten very fine in a Mortar, then put to it four Ounces of fine Sugar, and four Ounces of fresh Butter, and the Yolks of six Eggs, and a little Salt, beat it together in the Mortar till the Oven heats, and so butter a dish and bake it, but not too much; strew Sugar on it and serve it to the Table, Bake it in Puff-past

* There were no lists of ingredients - these were included as part of the text

* Food and ingredient measurements were extremely basic - quantities were not often specified!

* Temperature control was difficult and therefore not specified

* Cooking times were vague - and left to the cook to decide!

* It was assumed that the reader would already have some knowledge of cooking

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